The Reference Encyclopedia is the main source of information on present-day American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Nations. It lists and describes the activities and personnel of thousands of American Indian organizations, institutions and associations; government agencies, both federal and state; more than 700 tribal nations and communities; Bureau of Indian Education schools; Indian education programs in public schools; colleges and universities with American Indian studies departments; Indian Health Service hospitals and clinics; museums and special libraries; law firms with Indian law sections including attorneys specializing in Indian law; American Indian Media including television and radio stations and programs; Indian-owned and operated casinos; book publishers; films/videos and producers. Includes key personnel, contact information, website and e-mail addresses, and phone and fax numbers. Also, a 300-page bibliography of over 12,500 books with a subject index; and a 490-page biographical section containing short biographies of approximately 3,000 American Indians and non-Indians active in Indian affairs, law, medicine, health, and education. There’s a Canadian section providing information on First Nations, organizations, museums, libraries, colleges, etc.