The Colorado River has become a hot topic in recent months, as the Bureau of Reclamation has recently announced the first-ever planned cutbacks in Colorado River deliveries to states in the lower basin. Facing drought and climate change, the Colorado River basin states are bound together by a collection of interstate compacts, treaties, federal acts, court decisions and administrative directives—often referred to as the “Law of the River”—that determine how the water of the Colorado is used and allocated. Citizens in the region, including Californians, will be increasingly concerned with and affected by these laws. Additionally, 2022 is the 100th anniversary of the Colorado River Compact, which is the foundation of the “Law of the River.” In The Law of the Colorado River: A Legal Research Guide, researchers will find a wide variety of primary and secondary resources that delve into the impact of the Colorado River in the western United States and the laws that govern this essential resource—and are privy to change—as the basin faces the consequences of climate change.
In The Law of the Colorado River: A Legal Research Guide, researchers will find a wide variety of primary and secondary resources that delve into the impact of the Colorado River in the western United States and the laws that govern this essential resource—and are privy to change—as the basin faces the consequences of climate change. |