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This new resource is the first created by the American Law Institute to delve into legal practices related to the nonprofit sector. The piece is dedicated to “restate a single law for charities.” At the San Bernardino County Law Library, it is included as a part of the American Law Institute’s larger Restatement of the Law series. This overarching work expands on the various forms of charities, regulation of assets, the fluctuation of charities’ purposes over time, governmental effects on charities, and the influence of private parties on charitable nonprofit organizations. This volume discusses a topic that is not often covered in great detail and may be useful for those interested in social and economic law as it relates to charitable nonprofit organizations. |
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This new edition of the United States Supreme Court Reports Lawyers’ Edition will replace the version the San Bernardino Law Library previously maintained. As a part of the second series, this new edition holds “cases contained in U.S. reports.” This 2021 update lists supreme court justices in the October term of 2013. Included are the facts pertaining to cases the justices ruled on as a portion of volume 572 and all of 573. Though a table of cases is provided, the edition goes into depth on the cases highlighted in bold text. This newest addition to the library describes the outcomes of each case and the opinions of the court. The back portion of the book holds a list and short explanation of the result of memorandum cases. Additionally, it contains annotations prepared by the text’s editors on the cases discussed in length throughout the book. Citation: Kerr, Barbara, et al., editors. United States Supreme Court Reports. Vol. 189, LexisNexis, 2021. |
Image Citation: https://store.legal.thomsonreuters.com/law-products/Statutes/US-Code-Congressional-and-Administrative-NewsndashBound-Session-Laws-2012-ed/p/100094963
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The newest release of the U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative News covers various public laws and Congressional Committees. The Second Session of the 2020 116th Congress or Pub.L. 116-109 to 116-334 records are held within. Volumes one through three cover public laws, while volume four holds a treasure trove of material. These include Congressional Committee Reports, Proclamations, Executive Orders, Signing Statements, and more! This is the perfect item to dive into if you are interested in the acts created or amended by Congress as well as measures enacted by former President Donald Trump. Description Citation: United States. 2020. United States Code Congressional and Administrative News. St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co.
Image Citation: https://library.nclc.org/udap/subscribe?0=ip_login_no_cache%3D007bc8ae4a14312c6e4a4363dfdf7404
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The 10th edition of Unfair and Deceptive Acts and Practices (UDAP) is located in the library as a softbound volume and online with exclusive features at www.nclc.org/library. This text covers a range of topics from housing issues, party liability, automobile issues, etc. They dive deep into UDAP statutes in each state and what the term’s scope contains. With various notes and citations, the work may be helpful to point readers to sources such as past cases connected to the subject. This book may assist with assessing the impact of a UDAP statute between various states. Description Citation: https://www.nclc.org/issues/unfair-a-deceptive-acts-a-practices.html
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The San Bernardino County Law Library has several new American Bar Association publications arriving in October! This month’s featured resource is The Desk Reference Companion to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). Not only does this item provide an overview of the two acts, but uses a question and answer format to guide readers through concerns and questions about privacy rights. Topics include “the history of the statutes, general privacy-related concepts, compliance-program related issues, and the impact of the statutes on specific industries.” |
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This month the SBCLL is featuring the book Supreme Court in Transition October 2020. Published by the American Bar Association (ABA), this work takes a neutral approach in analyzing Supreme Court cases ruled upon during the October 2020 session. Organized topically, the author presents each case, its final decision, and how the Supreme Court’s rulings have changed over time. This book is helpful to those who are interested in recent case outcomes at the highest level of judicial jurisdiction and how particular justices side on various issues. |
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The new revision of the California Causes of Action (revision 22) covers a variety of topics of the law such as family law, real estate, intellectual property, etc. Additions include new case law and updates to reflect current legislation. Forms regarding topics covered in the book are available for online use via a link provided in the material. The authors have also embedded case law and citations throughout their discussions of the subjects for further research. A table of contents and index are thorough and assist with text navigation. |